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Heart Sentinel, previously known as Parachute-app, will soon be incorporated in the Sensoria fitness apps family 

During sports there is a temporary increased risk of sudden cardiac death
up to several folds compared with resting condition

Heart Sentinel continously monitors your heart rate on your SmartPhone through a standard BT+ chest strap heart rate monitor or wearable T-shirt and thanks to cardiologist-designed, patent-pending algorithm is able to detect possible exercise-associated cardiac arrest, and automatically alert predetermined contacts through SMS with GPS position data for one-click fast navigation and rescue

Parachute in the Headlines!
Click on the following image to be redirected to the Kickstarter campaign

Heart Rate

Manual Alert Button

% Heart Rate

Alert Message

1-min heart rate recovery function


Data signal Status




GPS signal Status

HR signal


Embargoed until April 7th

Heart Sentinel-Parachute app has already been presented at the most world-renowned 2016



Cardiology Meetings: 2016 Congress of the American College of Cardiology and 2016 European Congress of Cardiology

Why Heart Sentinel

Cardiac Arrest Facts

2/100000 sportsmen/women have a sudden cardiac arrest during their activity in a year

It makes 2450 people/year in US only!

There is no chance to save an unwitnessed cardiac arrest after 10 minutes

Quick emergency defibrillation within this time frame is fundamental

While in a percentage of cases worlwide Emergency defibrillation can be brought to anyone within 6-7 minutes, if no alert starts the chain of survival, there is no chance even to start a call..

While there is no 100% guarantee you will be saved if wearing the chest strap and running Parachute-app...

...why not give a serious try?

If you practice outdoor sports alone Heart Sentinel could be lifesaving in the rare event of an unwitnessed exercise-associated Sudden Cardiac Arrest
The risk of such an event is very low but not negligible during sports
Exercise is overall the healthiest activity, but during exercise the risk increases significantly
How does it work?

How does the Heart Sentinel app work?


How's that nobody has done something similar before us? Discover the difference..

It is actually difficult, even if now less so, that practicing Cardiology research leaders apply their knowledge to design smartphone apps and these two worlds have been kept separated for way too long.


There is still room for lifesaving invention in our era..apparently dedicated only to gaming..


One needs to understand exactly what a sudden cardiac arrest is to be able to conceive how to detect it through commercial low-cost devices, such as a bluetooth chest strap heart monitor, exploiting all the huge data analysis capability typical of smartphones. Cardiac arrhythmias are generally monitored in the ICU through complex 12-lead cabled monitors which can analyse ECG tracings. A heart rate chest strap only uses heart rate and this poses a difficult task to less thoughtful researchers. Exercise poses also a challenge with its many muscular and motion artifacts which can falsely simulate abnormalities based on heart rate only. Our team's "egg of Columbus" was putting the two methods together, reducing each downside, i.e. heart rate analysis (a very sensitive method for arrhythmia detection when our patent-pending algorithm is applied) and motion (very specific) to strengthen each other. Motion is almost continuously present during exercise, while the  characteristic of an unconscious subject in cardiac arrest is the total absence of motion after few seconds.

About the Heart Sentinel Team

Parachute-app LLC (Srl) was founded by internationally-renowned cardiologists, Nicola Gaibazzi MD PhD and Claudio Reverberi MD, in February 2016 to market their revolutionary Parachute app, now Heart Sentinel for the iPhone, which, first in class, is able to detect cardiac arrest while exercising (so-called exercise-associated cardiac arrest) simply using a standard and commercially-available BT chest strap heart rate sensor and an iPhone)

Click on the names to see founders' academic publication list

About us


Nicola Gaibazzi
Cofounder and R&D

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Claudio Reverberi
Cofounder and CEO

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Heart Sentinel in the Headlines!
Megacode Tim is one of the main collaborators in the Parachute-team. The few problems during the R&D phase could be solved thanks to his precious help
Thank you Tim!
And thanks to our EP friend Gianluca for his kind help with him.
Heart Rate Recovery

Heart Sentinel also voice-guides you to semi-automatically measure 1 minute Heart rate recovery anytime you want to..and graphs it for your records

Heart rate recovery is one of the very few indexes validated scientifically for outcome prediction in healthy and diseased subjects
The higher this index the better your training and health status...and importantly the lower your long-term mortality
Exercise training acts its main beneficial effects through higher parasympathetic activity, measured by higher heart rate recovery 

Contact the Heart Sentinel team

Thank you! You will be contacted soon. Grazie sarai ricontattato presto via email

Parachute-app srl (LLC)

Viale Mentana 150

43121 PARMA


Tel: +393281056134

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